Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Wednesday Recap: Hey, Axel

There comes a point in most skater's experiences when they finally nail something they've been working really hard at, and the feeling is exuberant. For many skaters, that comes with finally getting the axel jump. It's a 1.5-rotation jump, an extra half rotation above the other single jumps, and is often considered a "gateway" jump. That is, once you land your axel, it's only a matter of time before you get the gist of double jumps. The axel sets you up with that sense of the snap-and-rotate that it takes to make double jumps seem like no-brainers.

I landed my axel for the first time when I was 10. I recall the pure elation I felt at the achievement as if it were yesterday. I also remember the first time I landed a 2axel. I was 15, and I felt on top of the world.

That feeling is euphoric, and part of the reason why I skate.

On my practice session tonight, one of the younger girls landed her axel for the first time. I was watching her attempt them. She went from not even close to nailed it in a split second. She and her coach shrieked with joy, and I felt myself grinning ear to ear. I don't even know this girl's name, never exchanged two words with her, yet I was over the moon about her accomplishment. I know that feeling, it feels so good.

I had my own mini-moment during the session too. If you've been following my skating career over the years, you know the jump that has vexed me most is the 2axel. I had it perfect for some years, but then lost it for reasons I don't quite understand. Part puberty, part fear, I suspect. Tonight I tried out a few on the harness we have set up at the rink. It's kind of like a safety net. You can try out big jumps without fear of falling, so you can focus on the technique. Well, I tried a few 2axels and I am happy to say I made some headway. I didn't try any off it, but hopefully the experience will benefit my next attempts.

Here's an attempt, caught on video (featuring my awesome coach on the other end of the wires):

A video posted by Jessica Marshall (@jess_on_ice) on

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