Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pop Music to the Rescue

I meant to comment on this as part of my Skate America Recap, but thought it deserved its own post. And then the Washington Post took the words right out of my mouth.

At first, when the announcement came down from the ISU that they were allowing singles and pairs skaters to use music with lyrics for their competitive programs, I was a naysayer. I shook my cane at this new idea, clinging to the old ways. Lyrics will be too distracting, and could cheapen the sport, depending on how skaters used it.

But after watching Skate America, and the classy choices skaters made with their music, I am not ashamed to admit I've had a change of heart. It was the opposite of distracting, it was enthralling. You could tell the skaters were much more at ease on the ice because they were really connecting to the music.

Some argue that adding the lyrics makes it more likely that skaters will be passionate about their programs, which translates to higher presentation marks and make it more TV audience-friendly. I say both were proven at Skate America.

My personal faves were Jeremy Abbott's choice of  Sam Smith's "Lay Me Down" for his short program, and Mae Berenice Meite's choice of medley to the Soweto Gospel Choir's "Hosanna" and Savanj Rooms "The Groove You Like" for her short.

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