Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wednesday Recap

I actually practiced twice this week. Had a lesson on Saturday and then skated again Tuesday. Neither were particularly stellar, and I worked mostly on the program. It's all done and ready for the show a week from Saturday! I'm starting to get nervous just thinking about it--it'll be the first time I've performed solo in almost a decade!

But the nerves are usually fleeting, quashed by a gross lack of sleep from having to deal with a teething toddler. She has suddenly decided that waking up every other hour like she did when she was a newborn is cool again. Couple that with some busy days at work, and you've got one exhausted skating mama.

Last night I was kind of a s--t-show on ice. Ran through the program three times, missing everything the first time, and going 2 outta 3 on the jumps the two succeeding times. Spins and choreography are pretty good, and I'm not huffing and puffing at the end anymore. But boy am I exhausted after that practice. I can't remember feeling so tired on the ice when I was younger. Granted, I didn't have a toddler to look after back then, but I had a hefty schedule for most of my teenaged years and I had to have been exhausted at some point. I'm not willing to chalk this one up to age though. I think all skaters should have to run around after a toddler in their spare time. Good for building stamina!

But the exhaustion wasn't even the worst part of the practice. I sliced my finger open grabbing my blade, and bruised the heck out of my knee practicing the ending flourish in the program--I lunge on one knee and spin around. It looks cool, but hurts like heck.

Anyway, in lieu of video, which no one was there to take, I snapped some photos of my battle wounds:

Of course, I used to get nicks and bumps like these all the time, so this is nothing new. But I might have to wear pants in the hot weather until that bruiser heals or tap my stash of concealers...

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