Monday, June 1, 2015

Well this is ugly...

There aren't a lot of sex scandals in figure skating. At least there aren't a lot publicly.

There have been allegations of sexual abuse between coaches and skaters, and between skaters, but nothing in recent memory has even come close to dominating any sort of headlines. When you think of the main scandals in figure skating, Nancy and Tonya, and the 2002 Olympic judging, come to mind first.

But it does happen, and in a very unfortunate way. Coaches can have a lot of power over young students who have Olympic dreams. The right coach = success in many ways. That's true of mentors in any sport. And that kind of power, in the wrong hands, can have devastating consequences.

I bring this up because I read that a figure skating coach in Canada has been sentenced to four years in prison for sexually abusing two of his male students when they were underage in the 1980s.

The vast majority figure skating coaches are not going to abuse their students sexually. Mentally, maybe, but that's another story entirely. Very few skaters have come forward with allegations. But for those that do, they need to be heard.

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