Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Warming Up

I'm starting a blog (again). What, that's so ten years ago, you say? Well I don't care what you say. The only way I've ever been able to hold myself accountable for any goals I've set is to put it in writing—in a very public and comically self-deprecating way.

So here it is. You heard it right here, right now. One year from now, I am going to compete at Adult Nationals—or at least, try to qualify for them 11 months from now—and get myself back in fightin' shape. Why? I believe the more apt question in this case is, why not?

Let's just say it has been many, many years since I last flew solo on competitive ice. I had a brief stint in competing in adult synchro two years ago (Go Gotham!), but then I got knocked up, red-shirted and distracted by a tiny human for the ensuing year and a half. But I'm slightly older, wiser, and oddly in better shape than I ever was at the height of my competitive days. So I got that going for me. That and I have boobs now. Didn't have those before.

So this blog will be a record of my training, and anything else about the sport of figure skating that strikes my fancy. I can guarantee there will also be some very, very embarrassing video footage along the way. This should be fun.

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